sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014

Pain Team

I’m not afraid of you Lady D,
with your friends, come to me.
I will never be hurt by Mr. P,
so Let me rest in peace.
I am the great, the perfect Sir E.

I used to see kindness everywhere.
Now I only see hate. My own hate.

Pain has been always my best friend.
He was there when I needed him.
He’s been feeding my lonely soul.
While I was turning into a ghoul,
he was there, talking to Sin.
After that, the three of us buried Trend.

I walk alongside Pain and Suffering,
towards Death and Ultimate Destruction.
We left anxiety long time behind us.
After she stole our gas,
we’ve been help by Hate and Superstition.
This trip was everything but amusing.

And now we will walk through the fire,
because we can’t afford the hire.

All the glory is gone.


*If you like it, leave a comment ;)

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